Tuesday 19 August 2008

So Hungry

So I've continued on my epic journey... and I'm now in Helsinki in Finland, the land of my hardy forefathers. I'm totally feeling in touch with my roots and I've been on some pretty awesome walks, up hills, which have made me realise how tough life must have been for my ancestors. I left my tent at the hotel, but I was still carrying all the rest of my stuff - including a sleeping bag, 9 t-shirts, 6 pairs of jeans and 5 pairs of shoes. I walked all day Sunday, and didn't get a taxi back to Helsinki until 5pm. I was so exhausted I just collapsed into my bed and slept until lunchtime Monday! But it's been such an amazing experience, being out in the wild and living how my ancestors lived.

I haven't tried camping again since Rachel and Itaz left, partly because I don't really know what I would cook, and partly because there are a lot of weird animal noises at night and it's just safer when there's three of you. I definitely miss Rachel's cooking, but I've been mostly eating out in Helsinki; and they've also got the best smoothie bars here EVER! So good. But I've run out of the euros I brought with me, and they don't seem to accept Diner's Club or American Express anywhere here, so I spent the last of my euros, four hours ago, on a frappuccino and a cinnamon twirl... I'm so hungry now! But I've only got two days to go.

I haven't got any euros to get a taxi into the wilderness, but Central Park in Helsinki is really huge, so I'm going to get my hiking boots on, take my backpack and go for a hike around the park.

I've had such an awesome experience here, and I hope you guys have had fun reading about it.

Andy, Craig - keep the comments coming in! But seriously, you guys should try hiking with a 30 pound rucksack in the pouring rain when you've got a cold, and see how you handle it!

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